
impactful treatment for anxiety disorders in adults and adolescents

Anxiety disorders, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, society anxiety, panic disorder, and Obsessive-compulsive Disorder, can be severely debilitating for many. It is estimated that 31% of adults and 32% of adolescents in the United States have experienced clinical anxiety at some point in their lives. 

At Galen Hope, we help our clients learn skills and strategies to reduce anxiety and tolerate distress through individual and group therapies, as well as provide medical and psychiatric assessment, including medication management when deemed appropriate. Most importantly, we build in various ways to practice those skills in a variety of situations and environments, with the gentle repetition and emphasis on meaningful goals that are imperative for setting our clients for relief from their symptoms and lifelong success. 

types of anxiety disorders

Galen Hope offers comprehensive treatment programs for a wide range of anxiety disorders, helping clients and families understand what the disorder means and building the life skills necessary for lasting recovery. 

Generalized Anxiety Disorder 

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is persistent, excessive worry that spirals out of control and disrupts your daily routine. Unlike everyday anxieties, GAD can make it difficult to concentrate, sleep, or even complete basic tasks. It’s a constant feeling of unease and dread that can affect your work, relationships, and overall well-being.


Social Anxiety Disorder 

Social anxiety disorder is associated with intense discomfort in social situations, often centered around fears that they will be judged negatively, rejected, or embarrassed. 

Panic Disorder 

Panic disorder is characterized by sudden episodes of intense fear and anxiety, often accompanied by physical symptoms.

The fear of future attacks can drastically alter behavior and lead to avoidance.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, also known as OCD, creates a pattern of intrusive, obsessive thoughts typically followed by repetitive, compulsive behavior. The thoughts and behaviors related to OCD are often centered around a theme, such as cleanliness, difficulty tolerating uncertainty, aggressive thoughts of self-harm or losing control, or a persistent, interfering need to keep things orderly and symmetrical. 

treating anxiety and co-occurring disorders 

Anxiety disorders are the most common childhood-onset psychiatric disorders, and the most common mental illness among adults. They often co-occur with several other psychiatric diagnoses, including mood disorders, eating disorders, and substance use disorders. In many cases, the onset of the anxiety disorder predates the co-morbid diagnosis significantly. 

Many anxiety disorders co-occur not only with other categories of mental health concerns, but with each other, thereby compounding the level of impairment and the ability to seek or engage in treatment. Fortunately, anxiety disorders are very treatable. Effective treatment not only improves an individual’s quality of life, but also lays the groundwork for recovery from other related conditions that may be fueled by anxiety. 

Contact us today for more information on Galen Hope programs that help clients learn how to overcome social anxiety, ways to cope with OCD, and more treatment for related disorders.