galen hope

mental health treatment center for integrated wellness 

At Galen Hope, we understand that not everyone’s condition fits neatly in a diagnostic “box.” Oftentimes, adult and adolescent clients struggle with more than one condition or have overlapping symptoms. That’s why we offer customized mental health treatment programs developed by world-class clinicians who are dedicated to building community and hope. Together, we are a true community for integrated wellness, helping clients discover their individual passions and manifest their innate potential. 

the galen hope experience

The Galen Hope experience is unique in that our treatment milieu is comprised of clients, staff, and the community at large. It’s the synergy of these three components that creates the backdrop for the sound clinical services and strong behavioral supports that lead to an unlocking of the mental illness and unfolding of the healing process. 

we believe in….


Individuals with mental health conditions deserve a treatment program that respects their individual dignity and sovereignty as a person, and allows one to live in the community amongst family members and peers, pursue employment opportunities, and thrive in educational institutions. 

Smiling Man
Circle of People


Individuals struggling with their mental health deserve to be treated in the least restrictive environment possible, and one that gives them the opportunity to find fulfillment, peace, and joy. 


Individuals with mental health conditions have the potential to experience a full recovery. Through a deeper understanding of the self, our clients rebuild the foundation of their lives, regain confidence in themselves, and develop a strong commitment their own healing. 


our pillars



Galen Hope stands for community in more ways than one. We provide mental health and eating disorder therapy services—including groups and individual sessions—where clients interact with their care partners, therapists, and fellow clients. It is in this togetherness that we hope to facilitate a community of individuals committed to well-being and recovery. In addition, components of the assertive community treatment model are foundational to our program.


As a client of Galen Hope, you will immediately be acknowledged as an individual whose story may not be represented by traditional diagnostic criteria. You may have had previous treatment experiences that left you feeling misunderstood or frustrated. At Galen Hope, we seek to fully understand your life experiences and to provide you with an environment where you feel acknowledged, accepted, and supported. All of our clinical services, while cutting edge and creative, are also designed to create cohesion and interaction among all those who attend and work at Galen Hope. 

We find tremendous meaning in bringing you into our circle and helping you recognize the importance you play in our shared connection. Within our circle, you will discover that, although you come to us for help as our client, your presence and your essence brings something to us as well. 

Girl with Blue Hair
Man Walking Trail


Human beings tend to fall into three categories when it comes to developing a sense of personal growth and meaning after experiencing adversity. Some individuals experience a negative outcome, often times due to generic and environmental mediators or prior traumas; others stay about the same as they were before the difficult experience, and some seem to grow emotionally, feeling that their adverse experience helped make a positive contribution to their lives. We know that establishing a connection to others, developing a greater awareness of the present, and finding a purpose in an experience can help foster this sense of positive growth. 

Mental health care at Galen Hope goes beyond just clinical interventions. Our work with clients focuses on developing the whole person and reintegrating them with the people, things, and places that help them to create a real life. 

We each are born with what we can call “essence.” The essence of who we are drives our passion, our curiosity, our growth, and our connections. We want to tap into, and be guided by, the essence of who you are as an individual—and be a part of your journey of building a pathway of meaning. 

social responsibility 

As a program, we feel strongly that we have a responsibility—and, of course, a desire—to help our clients achieve the highest level of independence, recovery, and functionality they are capable of. By adhering to these pillars and engaging with clients in a clinical as well as a non-clinical setting, we seek to develop the well-being and dignity of the whole person. 

Clients at Galen Hope are also expected to take responsibility for their own recovery, their own actions, and their relationships with others, including those they meet at Galen Hope. Through the creation of A Community for Integrated Wellness, clients are expected to positively contribute to one another’s growth and development as a means of enhancing their own. 

As a member of our community, we will help you find direction through giving, and through truly caring about others and about our environment. Galen Hope engages in social justice and social policy activities as a course of treatment. You may find yourself building a garden, working at a local soup kitchen, or advocating at the legislature, all as a part of your own personal journey to health and well-being. 

Happy Group