
transformative treatment programs for clients addicted to exercise

Exercise addiction is an unhealthy obsession with physical fitness and exercise, often developing in parallel with or as a result of a body image disorder or eating disorder. At Galen Hope, we are experienced in treating clients who are addicted to exercise, helping them overcome obsessive exercising behaviors to treat the root cause and/or co-occurring condition.

identifying exercise addiction symptoms

Although we can all agree that exercise is important for one’s health, many people have a disordered relationship with it. This can be difficult to confront because of the enormous societal pressures related to fitness and what is considered to be a “healthy lifestyle.” 

Therefore, exercise addiction can sometimes be challenging to diagnose, due to the condition sharing symptoms in common with other kinds of addiction. So, what are the indicators that someone’s relationship with exercise has become unhealthy?

  • Feelings of guilt or pressure on days when the person does not exercise  
  • Feeling that exercise is used to compensate for eating  
  • The individual finds it hard to eat flexibly or spontaneously because of an interruption to their exercise routine 
  • Continuing to exercise when sick, injured, or exhausted  
  • Continuing to exercise when medical professionals have told the person to stop 
  • Choosing exercise over other activities, such as important family or other social events  
  • The need to exercise interrupts daily functioning, dominates free time or travel, or inconveniences others 
  • The person is rigid or inflexible about their exercise routine to the point of interfering with plans 
  • The person feels driven to do the exercise without any sense of pleasure or joy 

how we help

At Galen Hope, we work with clients to help them rediscover their sense of joy in movement. Throughout treatment, individuals examine the ways in which they are currently caring for themselves, then work with their team to create a plan that allows for mindfulness as it relates to movement while addressing any distorted beliefs, compulsive behaviors, or fears.