eating disorder

binge eating disorder treatment that honors size diversity and overcomes stigmas

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is a complex bio-psycho-social condition that is poorly understood by the public, and even many physicians. The staff at Galen Hope are well-versed in identifying binge eating disorder symptoms and developing unique treatment plans focused on mindful and attuned eating. We utilize a Health at Every Size™ approach, honoring size diversity and providing an environment that is safe and comfortable, from our atmosphere to our nutritional interventions. 

binge eating disorder symptoms

Signs of binge eating disorder include recurrent episodes of binging at least twice a week for several months, quickly eating a larger amount of food than normal, and feeling an inability to stop eating during the binge episode. Unlike bulimia nervosa, however, people with BED don’t engage in compensatory behaviors for the calorie intake.  

Mood disorders, anxiety, ADHD, and trauma often co-occur in people with BED. BED is the most prevalent of all eating disorders and is seen in relatively equal numbers across genders than other diagnoses (which tend to occur more frequently in woman, girls, and transfeminine individuals).  

overcoming the stigma of binge eating disorder

Weight stigma impacts individuals across the spectrum of eating disorder diagnoses. There is no one way to look when suffering from one. However, the misconception that all people with BED exist in larger bodies, or that all people in larger bodies engage in binge-eating behaviors, is incredibly prevalent and extraordinarily damaging. It frequently leads to missed or misdiagnoses, healthcare avoidance, a fear of rejection or not being “sick enough” for treatment, and bias from medical and behavioral health professionals that can unfortunately extend even to eating disorder treatment settings.  

At Galen Hope, we understand that many people with binge eating disorder have deeply embedded shame surrounding eating or their weight. Our compassionate, collaborative binge eating disorder treatment involves helping individuals overcome shame associated with eating, and learning mindful and attuned eating that honors the need to eat to fuel the body and the mind.